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Complete One-Stop
Design Studio
in Santa Cruz


We have more than 30 years of experience in bringing successful exposure to hundreds of area businesses and organizations.

Featured Project

Cali Caricature





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Studio Address:
3700 Portola Drive
Santa Cruz, CA 95062


Design Is Everything

Design is our business. At PPD, we have more than 30 years of experience in bringing successful exposure to hundreds of area businesses and organizations. Whether you want a new logo to improve your company’s image or an effective website to attract more customers and motivate sales, we can create the right look, energy and appeal for you.

A One-Stop Shop Advertising

We truly are a one-stop shop.Not only are all of the designs created in-house, but we also have an experienced, professional team ready to help you with your project – from the beginning conceptual stages to the finished marketing product.

“Our passion for creativity, hard work and excellent customer service produces professional images and positive growth for our clients.”

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“Thanks for the superb work you did on designing and producing 27 different displays for our college and career night. They were nothing short of spectacular! Be very proud of the fabulous work you and your team have done. Because we sure are.”

– Mary Planding, Director of Marketing & Communications, Cabrillo College